• Mandlenkosi Khumalo. He had been heard complaining of government failure to pay pensions on time as they had fewer registration points. Khumalo told him to shut up and stop criticizing the government. On 26 September 2015, a case of intra-party violence saw Senator Matson Hlalo – a suspected faction leader – organize a meeting for MacDonald Hall in Mzilikazi. Ward 8 councillor, Sheila Musonza, who is also of the MDC-T and believed to be in Banda’s camp allegedly ordered a caretaker at the MacDonald Hall to lock doors and prevent Hlalo from conducting his meeting there. Witnesses say this resulted in an impasse between Hlalo and Musonza who was also at the venue. Youths in support of Hlalo got rowdy and started threatening to beat Musonza up. The councillor then left the venue in a huff and reported the matter to the police. Police came and dispersed the meeting. Hlalo has since denied the incident occurred though witnesses who spoke to ZPP insist it took place. Efforts to reach Musonza were not immediately fruitful. Harare On 8 September 2015, former vice president Mujuru launched her party manifesto. Although this was dismissed as a non- event by the ruling Zanu PF, following a gathering in Mabvuku –Tafara by the yet to be launched People First party, some riot police came and beat people up. September also saw by-elections conducted in Epworth. Although the elections were declared free and fair, irregularities were recorded before and during the elections. Kuwadzana and Dzivarasekwa are still grappling with issues of land allocations where land is being sold and allocated to residents by cooperatives that insist on Zanu PF membership. • September saw a number of political parties conducting various events. While some of the events recorded no disturbances others, however, attracted some violence in their aftermath. Transform Zimbabwe and People’s Democratic held political events which were not disrupted by anyone. Ray Kaukonde, who is believed to be of the People First party held a rally at Chemhanza grounds in Old Tafara and no disruptions were recorded during the meeting. However, after the meeting there was random beating of residents by members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police in the suburb. • Intra-party conflict reared its ugly head within Zanu PF on 17 September 2015, in Mbare when one, Maureen Nyemba, addressed residents of Ward 12 on the city council budget at Zanu PF offices near Stoddart Hall. The meeting was allegedly disrupted by Zanu PF youths led by their leader, only known as Elvis. They accused the councillor of having lied about giving people jobs at the city council. They also accused the party of forcing them to vote for Nyemba instead of Charles Matsika who had previously contested and was beaten by the MDC-T councillor who has since died. There was a lot of frenzied singing and vicious shouting which drove people who had gathered to leave the place for fear of victimisation. The meeting was dismissed and some men took the councillor to her car because the youths closed the door of the Zanu PF office and ordered Nyemba to leave. The youths, who were rebuked by some 13

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