Provincial Summaries Bulawayo Incidents reported rose significantly in September and these included both intra- and inter-party disputes involving mainly Zanu PF and the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T). Infighting within the MDC-T party continued unabated between factions allegedly led by Senator Matson Hlalo, on the one hand; and Bulawayo Deputy Mayor, Gift Banda, who is also the party’s provincial chairperson, and alleged to be leading the other. It is believed that the two are fighting for the control of the province. • • • • On 18 September 2015, intra-party fighting within Zanu PF resulted in one middle aged man Nkosi Ndiweni (not his real name) being accused of belonging to People First, a party which is yet to be launched and said to be led by former vice president Joice Mujuru. Ndiweni was allegedly slapped in the face by a youth identified as Mxolisi. This was during a Zanu PF march along Khami Road in a parade for the late Sikhanyiso Ndlovu, a Zanu PF cadre and national hero who died in September. Mxolisi himself was later beaten up by a group of youths sympathizing with his victim. In an act violating the right to education, hundreds of school children from poor families whose school fees are paid by the Basic Education Assistance Module (BEAM) were, on 22 September 2015, turned away from four primary schools for non-payment of tuition. These schools are Luveve Primary, Mafakela Primary, Mbizo Primary and Matshayiskhova Primary. The respective school heads said government has not been paying the fees. The disadvantaged children are mostly orphans living with their grandparents, while some are from child-headed households. BEAM has in the past few years not been forthcoming as a source of relief for those children needing it. The management of the facility has been fraught with bias and corruption as in some instances less deserving pupils have accessed assistance from the facility ahead of truly disadvantaged children due to uncanny connections. That notwithstanding, the fact that dwindling government coffers can no longer be harnessed towards the sustenance of the facility has grossly affected the programme. Two MDC-T officials, MacDonald Shunga and Zanda Mpakhati are alleged to have started a constituency cleanup campaign in Bulawayo, where residents are employed to clean the area. Zanu PF ward chairperson, Siphathisiwe Dube, challenged the two over what she said was discrimination against her party supporters in the recruitment of cleaners. She said the exercise should benefit all residents regardless of party affiliation as she accused the two of vote buying. While the two officials could not be reached for comment, spokesperson for MDC-T for Bulawayo Province, Mandla Sibanda, told the ZPP that, Shunga who is a councillor and was conducting the clean-up in that capacity, on seeing that this could be a politically controversial issue, has since decided to ensure all parties are represented amongst the cleaners. On 25 September 2015, on 10th Avenue and Parirenyatwa Street near Milton Primary School an elderly man of 75 years old who is also an MDC-T activist was verbally insulted and threatened with unspecified action by Zanu PF activist, 35 year old 12

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