Bindura North legislator Matangira addressed a meeting on 17 May at Muonwe Township where he indicated that rice would be distributed to villagers. He indicated that priority would be given to Zanu PF supporters followed by gamatox members –those said to be Mujuru supporters and lastly MDC-T members. When people at Mt Darwin Centre were allocated flea market stalls a vendor was ordered to produce a Zanu PF card by Elton Chimbudzi, which he did not have. He was therefore not allocated a stall on 19 May 2015. The distribution of Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) inputs by agricultural extension officers was forcibly taken over by Zanu PF leaders at Nyamhondoro ward 11 in Guruve South. The Zanu PF chairperson and vice chairperson would convene a meeting every week and register those who attended the meeting. Those who attended got the inputs instead of the needy villagers who had been identified by the agricultural officers. The two who took over are Matthias Murukira a Zanu PF district chairperson of ward 11 and vice chairperson Gift Kazingizi. Reported Food Violations - May 2015 2 1 0 Figure 2: Reported Food Violations Mashonaland East A woman of Dhirihora in Marondera West was denied rice from the government relief programme that was distributed at Mupazviriho Primary School on 25 May because of being affiliated to MDC-T party. The perpetrator was identified as Shephard Zenda. 9

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