Total Total 16 216 17 widows, the elderly and other vulnerable members was abused by Chairperson Christopher Tagarira of Entumbane to benefit only Zanu PF members. Tagarira and his accomplices, Mrs B Hlongwane, and treasurer Charles Chakauya were allegedly forcing members to hold meetings at the war veterans’ offices where everyone was being forced to chant Zanu PF slogans. Those who refused were threatened with expulsion from the scheme. Residents complained against victimization and discrimination. On 24 May at the corner of 5th Avenue and Herbert Chitepo Street, sixty year old Gladmore Shoko of Zanu PF threatened to beat up an MDC-N activist for saying Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko was vote buying in Mbundane suburb by officiating at an electrification event.

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