Harare, as the capital, always sets the pulse on political developments of the rest of the country and in October, political contestation heightened over the visit by the United Nations UN Special Rapporteur on Negative Impact of Unilateral Coercive Measures on Human Rights, Alena Douhan. Provincial Highlights 7.1 Harare Douhan was in Zimbabwe in October at the invitation of the government of Zimbabwe to assess the impact of restrictive measures the United States and the European Union have imposed on some Zanu PF and government officials in Zimbabwe over human rights abuses perpetrated by the government and the ruling party. structured dialogue on political reforms, human rights and rule of law.” “The time is ripe for sanctioning States and key national stakeholders to engage in meaningful structured dialogue on political reforms, human rights and the rule of law and abandon the rhetoric on sanctions as an advocacy tool,” reads part of her report. The regional bloc, Southern Africa Development Committee (SADC) weighed in and for the first time, admitted that the challenges in Zimbabwe were multifaceted and required a holistic approach. SADC chairperson Malawian President Lazarus Chakwera called for In order to control the narrative, “meaningful and constructive dialogue politicians and citizens exchanged to consolidate the rule of law, words on social media and this had the democracy, governance and human impact of increasing the levels of rights” in Zimbabwe and said it was political tensions and divisions. only through such exchanges that Notably, Douhan, whose schedule better appreciation of concerns of all according to sources in government had parties could be secured and progress initially not included civil society and towards their resolution be achieved.” opposition political parties, managed to The ZPP joins other like-minded receive submissions. institutions in reiterating that the Her preliminary report set out, among other recommendations, “meaningful challenges in Zimbabwe are deeply rooted in the country’s poor human rights record, corruption, economic mismanagement and the disregard for the tenets of constitutionalism. ZPP welcomes SADC’s recognition of this and urges the regional bloc to build onto the current advocacy on rule of law, democracy, good governance and transparency. Away from the story of sanctions, political activity remained on the high and infractions happened in the process. One key example is the arrest of war veterans who were protesting against the government's disregard for their welfare seen by the pittance they received as pension money. Currently, the veterans of the liberation struggle earn ZWL20,000, which is just over USD100.00 at the current parallel exchange rate. The veterans are currently out on bail. In another incident, police rounded up some MDC Alliance Youth Assembly activists who were conducting a voter registration drive in Chitungwiza. It is alleged that two minors were also arrested.

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