5.1 Are Chiefs Above the Law? After telling delegates at the Zanu PF annual conference that chiefs would not leave the ruling party, Chief Fortune Charumbira said he was openly violating the Constitution because chiefs could not be bound by any law as their institution was there before laws were made. “What Constitution? What came first, the Constitution or the chiefs? We came first as chiefs before the Constitution,” he told a local daily newspaper. He said there was nothing amiss about his declaration of support for Zanu PF. Chapter 15.2 of the Constitution provides that traditional leader are not allowed to bear allegiance to any political party or to participate in partisan politics. Charumbira told delegates at the Zanu PF conference in Bindura that Traditional leaders have always been used in past elections to the traditional leaders were the coerce citizens to vote for Zanu PF owners of the party. and the statements by Charumbira “We come as owners of the party. cannot be taken lightly as they are The reason for the existence of supposed to represent the position Zanu PF is all about traditional of all the chiefs in the country. leadership and it is about injustice,”

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