further said that they should notify their people that no one should cast his/her vote at a polling station not specified by the village head. These people then later said that this was done to see which polling station would have voted for opposition parties. It was then discovered later that these people were not ZEC officials as they had said. Matebeleland North Date HR Provincial highlights Violated 6 April Freedom of In Binga South constituency, it is alleged that the rural district council staff led by Benjamin Songoya, Amos assembly Munsaka among others went to Lusulu Business Centre and employed 40 youths from Zanu PF for purposes and of digging trenches and constructing a bridge 3-4km away along Chuuya road. It is said that the staff were association instructed to employ Zanu PF youth only by Songoya and his accomplices. Part of those that were employed ended up registering their names to the responsible party officials as they feared exclusion from work. However, those who resisted any association with Zanu PF lost out. 27

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