17 April Personal It was reported that at around 02:00am, some men went to Jerera*’s home with unclear intentions. Mr security Jerera is the losing house of assembly independent candidate for Chipinge East in the 2013 elections. The intruders were heard talking outside the house and Jerera called out to his brother for help resulting in the intruders fleeing. The intruders were suspected Zanu PF activists who are against Jerera contesting again in 2018. This came after Jerera had made his intentions to contest again as an independent candidate in the upcoming 2018 elections known. Mashonaland Central Date HR Violated 4 April Right property Right Provincial highlights to It is alleged that Provincial Affairs minister Advocate Martin Dinha led a fundraising committee, which went to Forester A1 Commercial Farms, demanding employees to make donations towards Independence to celebrations. Reports highlight that the delegation demanded money or cattle from the residents. It was personal reported that the farm employees were threatened and reminded that the land belonged to Zanu PF hence security failure to comply with the set measures was an indirect application to be evicted and blacklisted in 2018. Political rights Some of the wards affected are ward 26, 27 and 29. 4 April Right human to It is alleged that Zanu PF Youth Chairperson Wonder Maposa from Kanounama Village Ward 19 was forcing youths to contribute 30cents per individual towards the Independence celebrations scheduled for April. 18

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