Provincial Summaries Harare Date HR Provincial highlights Violated 7 April Freedom of In an incident recorded in Epworth Constituency next to Epworth Police Station, Zanu PF supporters assembly disrupted World Health Day commemorations on allegations that the event was being held on their land. It and was reported that three Zanu PF activists led by Mike Smoko from Munyuki shops clad in ruling party T- association shirts ordered ERDA [Epworth Residence Development Association] Director Promise Makaka to wrap up the programme. Zanu PF councillors identified as Japhet Chiromo [ward 2], Hamson Shadaya [ward 6], Muchaneta [ward 5] and Erina Mazhandu [ward 1] ordered Makaka to dismiss the audience at the function. Chiromo was quoted saying, “We are protecting our people here. You cannot just budge in and hold your events without notifying us,” .The police had been notified and attended the event. 10 April Right to Suspected Zanu PF youths patrolled Budiriro Extension, razing wooden cabins erected by council employees personal saying that they owned the land. It is alleged that council employees had been granted official permission to security build structures on the land through council offer letters but ruling party supporters visited the site at midnight and burnt down all structures erected.

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