7 Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 Provincial Outlook Harare Citizens were denied their constitutional rights to freedom of assembly and association, a clear sign of shrinking of the democratic space for civil-political engagement and participation. On 14 January, police officers from the support unit sanctioned Greater Grace residents meeting in Glenview organised by Glenview North legislator Fani Munengami and ward Councillors Tonderai Chakeredza and Glaudhenzia Marera. The engagement which was a feedback meeting between residents and their duty bearers to improve service delivery was viewed as a political meeting by the police. About 45 police officers clad in riot gear were deployed at Glenview New Hall resulting in the meeting being cancelled. In Mbare there were clashes between Zanu PF and CCC members on 15 January, as CCC President Nelson Chamisa was expected to visit the area and interface with CCC party structures. Zanu PF youths led by Mbare youth chairperson Cde Olembe mobilised from Carter house community members who barricaded roads to intercept Chamisa’s vehicles. The youths also went on a rampage beating up people. Barber shops, perimeter walls and other structures belonging to CCC members were vandalised. Bulawayo The tiff between Bulawayo City Council and the ‘illegal’ vendors became politically charged in the quest to relocate the latter into a designated site. Zanu PF took advantage and coerced the vendors to buy party cards to be protected. Zanu PF Bulawayo Provincial Chairperson for the Youth League, identified as Tendai Charuka forced vendors to join Zanu PF. Charuka further told the vendors that only those aligned to Zanu PF in terms of membership and participation would be protected from being cleared out or arrested. Vendors were then forced to buy Zanu PF membership cards that were going for $2.00USD. Zanu PF continued to discriminate against other political members in accessing water from borehole sources. The party continued to use water and food as weapons to campaign. This was revealed when a Zanu PF member identified as Kholwani Nleya requested Zanu PF membership cards from anyone who sought to access the borehole and barred anyone without one. January 2023 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 25

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