METHODOLOGY This report is based on reports from ZPP long-term community based human rights monitors who observe, monitor and record cases of human rights violations in the constituencies they reside. ZPP deploys a total of 420 community-based primary peace monitors (two per each of the 210 electoral constituencies of Zimbabwe). These community-based monitors reside in the constituencies they monitor. They compile reports that are handed over to ZPP provincial coordinators who man the different ZPP offices in the ten administrative provinces of Zimbabwe. Upon receipt and verifications of the reports from the monitors, the provincial coordinators compile provincial monthly monitoring reports, which are then consolidated at national office into the ZPP monthly monitoring reports published in retrospect. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The country has continued to record a decline in the number of politically motivated human rights violations. Incidents of covert harassment, intimidation, assaults, displacement and discrimination are commonly reported in all the 10 provinces. There was a significant decrease in the number of cases recorded during the month of June to 188 as compared to the 217 cases witnessed in May 2014. 400 300 286 209 200 224 181 217 The ZPP has continued to report incidents of intra-party fighting within the country’s major political parties of Zanu PF and the MDC-T ahead of their congresses scheduled for December and October respectively. Internal fighting within the MDC-T has intensified in all the 10 provinces as the faction led by party President Morgan Tsvangirai has moved to meet with the structures while the faction led by Secretary General Tendai Biti has been doing the same pushing for the renewal agenda. 188 100 0 1 January February March April May June The internal fighting within Zanu PF was exposed when President Robert Mugabe openly disclosed that there were weevils that were bent on destroying the party from within while addressing mourners at former Minister Nathan Shamuyarira’s burial at the National Heroes’ Acre. President Mugabe said Zanu PF had been infiltrated. Not to be outdone, while addressing party youths in Mutare, Didymus Mutasa who is Presidential Affairs minister, allegedly urged Zanu PF members to use “gamatox” to kill the weevils. The statements culminated in the arrest of Sunday Mail editor Edmund Kudzayi who is accused of running the shadowy Baba Jukwa Facebook page. There were isolated cases of displacement of people in Mashonaland Central, Mashonaland East and Midlands. The Mashonaland Central case is based on non-payment for the labour services by the new farmer and the withdrawal of labour by the workers. Others are cases with a flair of political intolerance. FOOD AND OTHER FORMS OF AID VIOLATIONS Very few incidents of food violations were recorded this month and those recorded were based on discrimination emanating from political intolerance within communities. Generally there has been good harvest recorded throughout the country save for pockets of drought prone areas where food distribution is required. For example, while the districts bordering Mozambique received good rains and have reasonable harvests some constituencies such as Chimanimani, Chipinge and Buhera still need food supplements. 2

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