FOOD AND OTHER VIOLATIONS Manicaland  On 22 November 2015, a visually-impaired man and two elderly people of Ward 20, Nyerere Village in Musikavanhu Chipinge were denied access to free government inputs on grounds that their children were opposition party members. Each person was supposed to get two bags of fertilizer and a 10kg pack of seed maize, but the three were denied, despite their obvious vulnerability due to disability and old age. Mashonaland Central  On 5 November 2015, Letty Nhaurwa (not real name) was forced to pay US$1 as registration fee to get farming inputs which had been donated by First Lady Grace Mugabe. Zvondai Muparaganda, a Zanu-PF youth officer, forced Nhaurwa to pay the money as she is suspected of being an MDC-T supporter.  On 6 November 2015, the village head of Mucheri Village in Guruve North Ward 19 selected his relatives and friends to share maize from Social Welfare. One of the victims who was denied was a 75 year old man. Normally the maize from Social Welfare Department is for the aged, the sick and orphans in the communities.  On 10 November 2015, MDC-T youths and supporters threatened to get crash government input distribution. Zanu-PF is accused of using discriminatory tactics in registering names of beneficiaries. The programme was to benefit all Mvurwi residents who have land in peri-urban areas. More than 200 people are using council land for farming. The Mvurwi councillor did not consider the MDC-T grievances. The Zanu-PF youths compiling lists were ordered by leaders to leave out people who are not in Zanu-PF party structures. This angered MDC-T youths who questioned this unfairness. Those who were left out included four widows and other MDC-T elderly people.  On 21 November 2015, there was fertilizer distribution at Muonwe Township in Bindura North. Village heads, David Mushove, Leonard Madamombe, and ZanuPF ward chairperson, Abraham Mhembere, said fertilizer was for the strong supporters of Zanu-PF. John Nhira, Margaret Nhanga, Lloyd Mamombe (not their real names), among a few other people, were denied the fertilizer because of not attending Zanu-PF meetings. These people are old and Mamombe cannot walk.  On 23 November 2015, Ward 11 councillor in Rushinga was almost beaten up by headman Samuel Madzinga after he had changed the list of beneficiaries of inputs. The headman had selected the people in his village to receive the inputs but the councillor changed the list. He indicated inputs are for those who attended the 25

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