Mashonaland East  On 6 October 2015, at Sengwe Township in Chikomba East Steven Dore and Simon Sukuta (not real names) were denied 50kg bags of maize by Zanu-PF local leadership. They were accused of being MDC-T agents because they used to wear MDC-T tee shirts. The food was from CARE.  On 13 October 2015, Topo Village head of Ward 18 Mudzi West denied some villagers 50 kg bags of maize from the government. He said the victims did not pay their taxes on time, so they are against the government. This was in reference to the US$4 annual tax that is paid to the council.  On 23 October 2015, in Murehwa North the Zanu-PF Councillor of ward 3 indicated that the maize being distributed was for Zanu-PF people only, not for MDC-T and People’s Democratic Party (PDP) supporters. About 20 people got up and left the scene. The distribution was in Chingwaru Village and three individuals would share a 50 Kg bag of maize. However, in Murehwa West the distribution of maize to the poor and the old was fairly done at centres in wards 12, 28 and 13. The beneficiaries got 50kg bags of maize on 20 October 2015.  On 26 October 2015, headman Magauvhe of Magauvhe Village in Mudzi West denied people maize from GMB because they do not attend Zanu-PF meetings. This took place where a household would get a 50kg bag of maize.  On 18 October 2015, teachers at Chisaira School in Ward 26 in Chikomba East allegedly shared rice meant for school children that was donated by legislator Edgar Mbwembwe. He donated two bags of 50 kg for Grade 0 to 7 but the rice was only cooked once for school children and the rest shared among the teachers, it is alleged. Efforts to reach MP Mbwembwe were not fruitful. Mashonaland West  On 15 October 2015, councillor of Ward 17 in Chegutu East indicated that MDC-T members should leave their party because there was nothing from the party. He said it would never form a government. He was addressing farmers at Dombwe farmer’s house. He had called the meeting for registering for inputs.  On 19 October 2015, when villagers gathered at Kahondera Primary School for the grain loan scheme, councillors who addressed people chanted Zanu-PF slogans, yet there were people of different political affiliations. 29

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