not happened, but that sometimes farmers preferred to keep quiet about their various ordeals. Mashonaland West Mashonaland West province experienced chaos in almost all the Zanu-PF elections that were held in the districts, except in Zvimba South where elections held at Chikambi were peaceful. On the other hand, the MDC-T party also experienced factional problems in Norton, where two candidates are already competing for 2018 candidacy. The operating environment is so tense colleagues from the same party do not trust each other. It has been recorded that a Zanu-PF member was chased away during elections in Kadoma on allegations that he was sent by, one, Jimai Muduuri alleged to be the leader of First Lady faction in Kadoma. One, Gideon Magaya, allegedly almost beat up the victim in Ward 6 at Tafadzwa Primary School. Zanu-PF supporters of the Fani Phiri faction, alleged to be sympathetic to Vice President Mnangagwa, indicated that they do not want anyone from the Muduuri faction. The elections in Ward 11 were even more chaotic as supporters of the two factions were involved in fist fights on 24 October 2015. In Norton the MDC-T party is also divided into factions. Youths are divided on allegiance to former legislator, Voice Chinake, and a new player Matemera, who wants to contest the Norton parliamentary seat in 2018. Highlights:  On 4 October 2015, one, Makesure Muchimuchiri and another identified only as Morgan, allegedly assaulted Alec Nhindi (not real name) on grounds of political differences. Muchimuchiri was arrested and fined US$25 for assaulting Nhindi.  On 10 October 2015, in Chegutu Chido Dehwe (not real name), a Zanu-PF supporter who came to an MDC-T supporter’s funeral with her party wrap was allegedly told to remove the wrap by Onias Ticharwa. She refused to take off the wrap and Ticharwa shoved her.  On 10 October 2015, at Nyamhunga Shopping Centre Zanu-PF branch secretary in Kariba, who is also a boat captain, allegedly said that known MDC-T supporters would be beaten up for not buying party cards. ZRP could not be reached for comment.  On 11 October 2015, an unidentified police officer is reported to have stopped members of the MDC-T party not to use a certain road in Chegutu as they were on their way to bury Councillor Shepherd Jack. ZPP 23

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