incident to ZPP, adding that some youths and women were actually injured in the melee which was reported to the police, but no arrests were made.  On 28 October 2015, members of the Police Support Unit “descended” upon Old Tafara Shopping Centre in their vehicle and picked up about 16 MDC-T youths. They beat them up and forced them into a police vehicle and headed towards the police station. The youths were, however, dropped off before reaching the police station after being warned against denouncing President Robert Mugabe. Suspicions are that this incident is related to a demonstration staged to denounce the rule of President Mugabe in the city centre of Harare on the day before, on 27 October. Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Harare Province Spokesperson, Assistant Inspector Simon Chazovachii told ZPP he could not confirm a matter which had not been reported to police.  On 28 October 2015, the MDC-T party had a meeting at Athlone Shopping Centre in Greendale to review party activities. One of the attendants, Ngoni Tendengu (not real name) denounced the party president, Morgan Tsvangirai, whom he labelled as a failed leader and a loser who should quit politics and allow a vibrant leader like Nelson Chamisa to take over. This irked another supporter Fungai Muparu, who allegedly attacked Tendengu and labelled him a sell out who should be dealt with ruthlessly. Tendengu then unceremoniously left the meeting fearing for his safety.  On 30 October 2015, residents of Glen View 3 were forced to a meeting by Zanu-PF youths under the alleged instruction of the local legislator Pius Madzinga at the home of one, Mrs. Hombarume, who is part of the party leadership in Glen View. People turned up out of fear of the alleged notorious youths identified as Simbarashe Shinya and Prince Hombarume. However, it is believed, the residents refused to be part of the cell structures. They were released as most did not have Zanu-PF cards. It was indicated that the programme would be resumed once people have the electronic cards.  On 30 October, Grace Ruwende (not real name), was allegedly harassed at Rutendo Hall in Mufakose by John Musiki during Zanu-PF district elections. Musiki, who was once a chairperson, indicated that Ruwende could not vote as she was not known in the ward although she lives in Ward 34. The lady wanted to contest as chair but was prevented and this infuriated her and her supporters. There was chaos as her supporters could not take it and the elections had to be aborted. 15

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