Monthly Monitoring Report January 2024 Masvingo Mashonaland Central The ruling ZANU PF party topped the list of human Mvurwi Primary School in Mazowe North ward 2 has rights depriving been accused of violating learners rights to education, opposition party members of farming inputs and with pupils being turned away from classes for non- government aid. The party sought to coerce payment of tuition fees. In Mazowe South, ZANU PF citizens to join the ruling party. In Mwenezi East District Chairperson Mr Dutiro denied a female villager ward farming violations 5, a in ZANU Shamhuyashe, was the PF province activist identified as collecting names for a inputs sponsored under the Pfumvudza agricultural scheme, citing her as an opposition CCC seedling program. However, new councilor David supporter. Masvina instructed Shamhuyashe to exclude those demolished informal structures at Tsungubvi Centre, who supported CCC from the list. A well-known leaving many stranded, affecting livelihoods. Tsungubvi opposition supporter was deliberately omitted from Primary School instructed parents to pay USD 75 cash the list. In Masvingo Urban, ZANU PF councilor and purchase certain books before full enrollment, Sengerai Manyanga insulted CCC The Mazowe Rural District Council councilors, causing some parents to fail to get placement for their calling them sellouts and dogs. In Charamba children. In Mazowe West, a male victim was brutally village, a villager was denied agricultural inputs for assaulted and tortured for trespassing at the Jumbo Pfumvudza on the grounds of being an opposition Mine. Villagers in Mt Darwin East were forced to sing supporter. In Masvingo West, ZANU PF activist, and chant ruling party slogans before receiving sorghum Thomas Mhlanga, forced citizens to attend a inputs. Village head Majineti Jongwe chastised a victim gathering at King Mine threatening that only those for not chanting slogans. who attended would receive maize seed. Demolitions at Tsungubvi Business Centre 10

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