Province Date Midlands 10 January HR Violated Right to food Provincial highlights On the 10th of January, Nyamhara in Gokwe Gumunyu constituency, received food aid in form of rice from the first lady Dr Grace Mugabe to be distributed to every individual in that community. Although the purpose of this distribution was not clearly outlined to the residents they were supposed to all get a share despite their political affiliation. The local Zanu PF Chairperson Tinoenda Makoro responsible for the programme allegedly did not give out all the food to all the people. He said since it was from the first lady, opposition members were not going to get the food as the first lady is Zanu PF. Uknown (beginning of January) Right to Food Fertilizers, which were supposed to be fairly given to farmers who had earlier got seeds from the presidential farm inputs were diverted and instead sold to the targeted beneficiaries. This led to many farmers missing out since they could not afford to buy the fertilizers, which were pegged at $10 upwards. Joe Madzana Zanu PF chair who was in charge of the program is said to have sold the fertilizers to Peter Zengeni from Muzion village, Abina Matoro from Matoro Village and Agrippa Pondiwa from Pamire Village. This happened in Ward 16 at the beginning of the month of January in Gokwe Gumunyu ward 16 at Pachoda B/C. Right to Food Maize is being distributed in a partisan manner in Mberengwa, one Shoko Simbabrashe Chikati* was denied access to maize as he was said to be supporting the Member of Parliament Chiratidzo Mabuwa who is believed to be in a faction 28

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