23 December Right to Personal Security In another incident in Chiwundura constituency, a popular member of the opposition MDC-T known as Esther Chifamba* was confronted by Edwin Mashayamombe at Mkoba 14 Business Centre. Edwin is a committee member for the ruling Zanu PF party in the party’s youth wing. Esther was then told to give Edwin a list of other MDC-T activists including those who have defected from the ruling party to MDC-T. Charity refused to comply. 21 January Political rights An MDC-T gap filling meeting in Mkoba Constituency at Mtapa Hall on the 21st of January ended in chaos as about 150 members insulted and accused each other of factionalism. The purpose of the meeting was to elect a new ward 7 chairperson. Those vying for the position were Tedious Bwanali Ward Secretary and Chakwaya. There were disagreements about how the elections were to proceed. The result was the organising committee members led by chairperson Njanji and members Sesel Zvidzai, Peta, Mrs Mututsva, Mrs Khumalo and Mrs Chihota blocked the process and the election did not proceed. *The names of victims have been changed to protect their identities. 17

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