Masvingo In Masvingo province, cases of political violence against opposition CCC supporters by Zanu PF members continued to be recorded in September. The situation of political violence is getting worse as the 2023 elections draw closer. This was notable in Gutu as it was reported that the Zanu PF ward 6B chairperson in Gutu West, Robison Gahadzikwa, allegedly arrived at Mututu. It is alleged that he asked CCC supporters to remove their yellow party t-shirts and regalia. He allegedly assaulted and injured a CCC member in the process. The victim went to Chatsworth police station to make a police report, where he was informed that he had to go to ZRP Masvingo as the higher offices had asked to see him before a docket could be opened. This was a way of intimidating the victim from making a police report against Zanu PF supporters, who the police seem to be biased towards. Traditional leaders and Zanu PF members continued threatening villagers against supporting the opposition in Bikita. This could be attributed to the various meetings the Zanu PF second secretary Kembo C.D Mohadi has been having with traditional leaders across the country, encouraging them to mobilise for Zanu PF. This is against the dictates of Section 46[1] of the Traditional Leaders’ Act and Section 281 [2] (a, b, c and d) of the Constitution, which clearly states that the members of the institution must not be members of any political party or act in a partisan manner. In Bikita West ward 13, under headman Mupakwa, people were gathered at the ward centre where they were called for their names to be registered for government-sponsored farming inputs under the pfumvudza scheme. It is alleged that it was a Zanu PF campaign meeting that had been called for by Zanu PF members who were identified as Raphael Chiranga, Vena Nyangara, Japhet Chiteme, D Mazhara, and Muchafa Mazhara. While at the gathering, Muchafa allegedly intimidated people telling them that in the upcoming 2023 general elections, anyone who was caught supporting the opposition was going to have their heads cut off. The headman also stated that village heads with CCC supporters in their areas would be in for it and were supposed to submit the names of the CCC supporters to him. 27

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