1. Human Dignity and Right to personal security On 22 September in Nkulumane constituency, a Citizen Coalition for Change member identified as Fanelo Sibanda assaulted a fellow 30-year-old party member. It is said the two together with others were arguing on the possibility of the CCC winning the forthcoming elections. Verified facts suggest that the victim became critical of the party executive and cited that there was no clear vision. This angered Sibanda who lost his temper and slapped him for undermining the leadership of Nelson Chamisa. In another disturbing incident, a Zanu PF aspiring Member of Parliament for Marondera Central and business man Mr Lucas Chimoka was shot dead on 23 September in Paradise Park Marondera Central. It is alleged that robbers pounced at the Chimoka house before shooting him in cold blood and brutally assaulting his wife. It is unclear whether the incident was purely a robbery or a political assassination aimed at stopping Chimoka from participating in the upcoming elections. Residents of Marondera were shocked by such an incident and still suspect that the robbery was a cover up of a political assassination. On 15 September at Mutoko Centre flea Market, Ward 11 in Mutoko North, a CCC activist was assaulted by Farai Hodzi a former Zanu PF Councillor and war veteran. The victim was shoved and slapped by Hodzi before being accused of derailing Zanu PF election plans. Reports indicate that Hodzi confronted the CCC activist with other Zanu PF members with the intention of inciting serious violence. A CCC security personnel, reportedly assaulted a News-Hawks journalist Ruvimbo Muchenje at Gahadzima Grounds in Chinhoyi on 10 September. The assault and inhuman and degrading treatment on Muchenje happened during a CCC rally. Reports state that Muchenje was trying to find her way into the stadium and was beaten up by CCC party security who attempted to block her from entering. She was then forced on to the ground and made to roll, leaving her dress torn. 10

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