Monthly Monitoring Report January 2024 Harare Mashonaland West In Highfield West and East areas, unidentified ZANU PF youths intentionally misled community members calling them to attend a residential stands distribution meeting which was to be addressed by party officials. However upon gathering, the masses were ferried to the City Sports Centre under the pretense of a change of venue, only to find out that they were to attend a church service held by Pastor Passion Java. The citizens were forced to attend the service, disrespecting their freedoms of assembly and association as well as freedom of religion as enshrined in the Constitution of Zimbabwe in Sections 58 and 60 (1b). Intimidation was reported in Epworth South on 17 February 2024. ZANU PF activists led by Kudakwashe Mutungagore and other district leaders reportedly conducted a cell restructuring exercise, collecting residents personal information against their will. The exercise which was reportedly conducted under the slogan, “Simukai Tiverengani” (Stand up, let's count each other), was characterized by intimidation and harassment. Citizens were forced to join ruling party cell structures. In Mashonaland West, there were violations of rights to education, an assault on a CCC activist, forced evictions among other violations. In Ward 11 in Sanyati, a ZANU PF activist Kudakwashe Mlambo and an Arex officer Mrs Jazire were accused of selling government inputs for personal gain. The accusations were raised during a community meeting meant to deliberate on methods of distributing government aid. In Chegutu West, a ZANU PF candidate during the 3 February by elections, Clever Kundiona, was reportedly paying US$5.00 to all voters who would produce pictures of their ballot papers showing where they voted. The case was reported at Hatley 2 Primary School. According to Section 85 (3) of the Electoral Act, ‘no person shall, directly or indirectly, induce a voter to display his or her ballot paper after he or she has marked the same in such a manner as to make known to any person the name of the candidate for whom the voter has so marked his or her vote.’ Midlands In Midlands Province, ZPP recorded cases of assaults, partisan distribution of food and intimidation. Traditional leaders, including Chief Chireya and village heads in Gokwe North were reported to be forcing citizens to contribute money towards the building of a ZRP post. The village heads were further recorded threatening to remove all beneficiaries who fail to pay the amount from the list of food aid beneficiaries. Similarly in Ward 7 of Mataruse village, Mberengwa East, it was reported that village heads also forced villagers to pay US$1 each towards the salary of a security guard at the clinic. The call was followed by threats that those that fail to pay shall be denied access to healthcare at the clinic . At Samabwa Village in Zhombe, a victim of an unknown political party was assaulted for denouncing ZANU PF by Eddies Ncube. It is said that the victim denounced the ruling party citing high levels of corruption committed by its members. Ncube and Thomas Moyo then dragged the victim to a hidden place and beat him with logs. The victim sustained injuries on his back and reported the case to the police. Masvingo In Masvingo, there were cases of partisan distributions of food aid, forced attendance of citizens at ZANU PF meetings, intimidation and threats of evictions. In 5 cases of food aid distribution, members of the opposition political parties were deprived of food aid and agricultural inputs on the basis of their party affiliation. In Zaka North, members of the public were forced to attend a ZANU PF meeting and chant party slogans. The forced attendance was coordinated by seven youths led by Tinashe Manyanga who acted on the command of ZANU PF ward Chairperson Sai Pirato. The act violated the citizens’ freedom of assembly and association as well as their political rights. At Kings Mine community, in the Mashava area, a ZANU PF activist identified as Lydia Chimbare reportedly addressed the community, compelling everyone to participate in any activity that the first lady Auxilia Mnangagwa initiated in the community. Chimbare further threatened that those not active risk being evicted from the mine houses. In a similar fashion, ZANU PF activist Jason Nyandoro threatened non-party members with evictions from Neshuro, Mugari and Marufu resettlements if they continue to align themselves to Nelson Chamisa. Nyandoro later forced villagers to buy ZANU PF membership cards for US$2 each. 9

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