Bulawayo 16 November Right to Food Mary Esther Tshuma, a Zanu PF provincial committee member compiled a third list of Lobengula food beneficiaries under the social welfare scheme. Residents questioned what had happened to the first and second lists. Suspicions were also raised that she had replaced most people with disabilities and the elderly with Zanu PF supporters. 19 November Right to Food Zanu PF members took over registration and distribution of drought relief food in Bulawayo South. Opposition political parties are also failing to hold meetings in the area as Zanu PF supporters threaten those that attend. Due to this, residents are attending Zanu PF meetings in anticipation of welfare food distribution. *Raymond Gatsha who is the organizing official for Zim PF said opposition party members are on the verge of giving up as they are running out of ways to attract members. Freedom of Association 19 November Right to Food It is alleged that an epileptic patient, *Melusi Donga was denied access to welfare distributed maize by Zanu PF ward chairperson, Mrs Sibanda, at Mpopoma Hall. Melusi said the beneficiaries’ list consisted of Zanu PF activists while deserving individuals were excluded. 20 November Right to Food In Luveve Department of Social Welfare officers brought 500 bags of maize and these proved to be insufficient for the community. This caused mayhem as residents tried to grab the maize from the officials. Police intervened and closed the maize and distributing officers inside the Beit Hall. 28 November Right to Water The recently introduced water rationing has seen some parts of Pumula constituency going for more than a week without water. This raises serious threats of disease outbreaks like cholera. 29 November Right to Food There was distribution of 650 bags of 50kg grain by District Social Services in Makokoba. Zanu PF youths tried to interfere with the process as they wanted to off load and distribute the grain. Their attempts failed as people asserted that it was not the role of political party youths. 24

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