APRIL2018 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS One hundred and two cases were recorded across the country in April, remaining the same from the previous month (101). Twenty three of the cases related to general intimidation and harassment as members of the public were being forced to attend party meeting, mainly ZanuPF meeting; being threatened not to support the opposition or to attend opposition rallies; or being intimidated into supporting ZanuPF. Eighteen other cases of intimidation and harassment, associated with the Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) process, were also recorded. In these cases, members of the public were being forced to provide their voter registration particulars to ZanuPF officials. Beyond intimidation the motive remains unclear, and suspicious. A leaked audio between an officer of the police and a ZanuPF official in Buhera, Manicaland where the police officer was stating the illegality of demanding voter registration information demonstrated how some elements in ZanuPF still lived in the past. The ZanuPF official was livid on realising that the police officer did not wish to entertain his standpoint on the demand for voter registration information Twenty cases of coercion, mainly forced donations for the Independence Day celebrations, and some cases of forced attendances of ZanuPF rallies or forced participation in the party’s primary elections, were also recorded. Of concern in the primaries among many incidents was the firing of gunshots by a sitting MP Dexter Nduna in a bid to break a fight between his supporters and those of another contestant at a polling station in Chegutu West and another sitting MP accused of possession of filled in ballot papers in Buhera.1 Twenty cases of intraparty squabbling and occasional violence, mainly within ZanuPF, were also recorded and, as indicated earlier, could be traced directly to the ruling party’s primary elections. By comparison, only 5 cases of interparty violence, mainly pitting ZanuPF and the MDC-T, were recorded. Five cases of assault, four of which involved the police or the army, were also recorded in what appears to be growing indiscipline and unruly conduct in the security sector. Two incidents of hate speech were recorded and one case of 1 ZPP is compiling a report on the incidents around the Zanu PF primaries and the cases could change the number of cases noted in this report 3

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