#PROVINCIAL OUTLOOK Mashonaland Central We can kill and get away with it The majority of the human rights violations recorded in Mashonaland Central involved the discrimination of those who do not support Zanu PF from aid processes. This is because in Mashonaland Central, there is only one byelection in March. What ZPP can conclude is that the ruling party, using its control in government is creating an uneven environment ahead of the 2023 harmonized elections. By denying aid to people who do not support Zanu PF, the goal is to abuse the people’s vulnerability for political gain, which is unfortunate and against the law. In addition, to politicising aid, Zanu PF politicians in Mashonaland Central held meetings where they issued threats to villagers who did not support the party. Some of the cases of politicization of aid and intimidation include those in Chihoko and Kandigi villages, where people were summoned to attend a Zanu PF meeting at Chihoko primary school in Mt Darwin East ward 14. Zanu PF District members Mike Murasira, Rivert Dhidhimu, Bhebhai Mujeri and a veteran of Zimbabwe’s liberation struggle, Samson Hundi made intimidatory remarks to the villagers and gave everyone a week to surrender their membership to the opposition CCC. “ We are giving you up to Wednesday (next week) to come and surrender so that you can be spared, when we start dealing with sellouts,’ said Murasira, “ we can kill and get away with it because sellouts do not deserve to live. Some of you can be abducted and your relatives will not find you forever.” Mujeri added “Do not force us to do the unthinkable, let us all rally behind our tried and tested, the one and only Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa so that there won't be any bloodshed” Hundi concluded the meeting by saying, "go and tell everyone that there is no opposition in Mt Darwin.” At Vonabo Famin in Glendale, Mazowe South constituency, Zanu PF district chairperson John Saidi forced villagers to attend a meeting where he threatened to evict from the farm compound all those who did not show allegiance to the ruling party. CCC supporters who spoke to ZPP said they were forced to sing and chant Zanu PF songs and slogans and they had to do so for fear of reprisals. In another case, on 2 February, at an occasion to hand out fertilizers at Muonwe Township in Bindura South, first preference was given Zanu PF district members and ruling party supporters, while CCC supporters were denied access. Zanu PF district chairperson Abraham Mhembere who was in charge of the distribution told the victims to go and benefit from the CCC. ZPP believes that in order for the electoral playing field to be even, Zanu PF should not abuse its incumbency for political gain. Bulawayo Targeting the informals There were fewer people registering to vote and this was largely attributed to the fact that the Registrar’s General department has in the past couple of years, struggled to issue national registration documents, a situation that will likely disenfranchise many first-time voters. Zanu PF continued with its intimidatory methods and this time they were targeting vendors. For example, on 7 February, a Zanu PF activist identified as Kuda Chamboko went around Mkambo Market forcing vendors to buy new Zanu PF cards or risk losing their stands at the market. In another case, a Zanu PF activist, Japhet Dube, led party youths to force informal traders to attend a Zanu PF rally addressed by disgraced former Vice President Kembo Mohadi. Political intolerance remained high and in one incident, at Mountain View Shops three Mthwakazi Republic Party (MRP) youths led by Marvel Sithole defaced posters of Zanu PF and CCC candidates for the March 26 by-elections. It is said that the trio went on a rampage to deface the campaign posters citing that they were not fit for anything. At KoZitha, suspected MRP activists assaulted and tore the clothes of a CCC member for wearing the CCC yellow colours , accusing him of supporting ‘ a Shona-led political party’. The tension over the MDC-T Vice President Thokozani Khupe’s intention to rejoin the CCC, following her fallout with MDC-T leader Douglas Mwonzora, escalated, leading to a tribal outburst on and offline. The tension in the CCC over Khupe is likely to result in political violence.

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