PROVINCE ACTS OF VIOLATIONS HR MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS OF HR VIOLATIONS Assault Harassment/intimidation Discrimination Total Right to liberty and security of person Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood 2 13 6 21 There was a slight increase in the recorded incidents of violations and these included reports on incidents of assault emanating from intra-party conflicts, discrimination based on political intolerance, harassment and intimidation of people perceived to belong to the opposition parties. Ø 1 August 2014- At Rusape General Hospital Albert Mashava, a Zanu PF supporter from the Ministry of Labour denied a female MDC-T activist employment as a general worker on allegation that she belonged to the opposition party and therefore was not eligible to be employed in a government institution. Ø 15 August 2014- At Sakubva in Mutare Central, Mable Mutemanyama threatened to beat up a male MDC-T Renewal Team activist. Mable allegedly chased the victim away from the Sakubva Hall where the MDC-T party was holding a meeting. Ø 25 August 2014- In Mukamba Ward, Makoni South at Mukamba Clinic people were gathered to board a free bus to Mozambique to buy goods. The bus was provided by the Mozambican government as a gesture to encourage Zimbabweans to go shopping in Mozambique. A Zanu PF councillor Zumbika barred two MDC-T activists, male and female from boarding the bus because they belonged to the opposition party. Zumbika declared that all MDC-T activists would not be allowed to board the free bus to Mozambique because they were sell-outs and not friends of Mozambique. Harassment/intimidation Assault Theft/Looting Discrimination Unlawful Detention Displacement Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity Property rights Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to Liberty & security of persons Property Rights 46 4 1 5 1 1 59 The Midlands Province had the highest number of violations recorded during the month. Of the 59 cases recorded in August, 46 were of harassment and intimidation. Cases of intra-party fights within Zanu PF have filtered into families with a case where a woman was chased from her marital home for supporting a faction within Zanu PF. Maanicaland HR/FREEDOMS VIOLATED # OF ACTS INCIDENCES OF POLITICALLY MOTIVATED VIOLATIONS Ø 5 August 2014 - In Gokwe Mapfungautsi Simbe Village ward 16, Francis Mhaza Midlands who is the husband to the victim allegedly called his wife a witch because she was supporting Amai Mujuru`s Faction. The perpetrator even told his wife to pack and go away from his home. Ø 5 14 August 2014 – Vungu ward 1 Resettlement Village 1 Austine Moyo of Zanu PF is a village head who allegedly swindled villagers of their maize telling them to

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