5.0 War on Civil society Government’s war on civil society escalated with continued threats to de-register Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). On 14 July President Emmerson Mnangagwa addressed ZanuPF Politburo to the ZanuPF Politburo during which he said his government would not hesitate to deregister NGOs. “Let us remain alive to the machinations by hostile forces and their allies to derail our programs and projects. We know their form, agenda, strategies and nature. Detractors, sell-outs and their appendages must forever be silenced at the 2023 harmonized general elections,” ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT MONTHLY MONITORING REPORT JULY 2021 “As the election season unfolds, we are observing a notable number of NGOs diverting from their operational mandates to delve into political matters that amounts to interference in the internal affairs of our sovereign country. My Government will not brook any such disregard for our laws and will proceed to de-register all organizations found in the wrong. Party structures must be vigilant and expose such elements” Information Secretary Nick Mangwana also posted on his Twitter handle: “As the election season unfolds, we are observing a notable number of NGOs diverting from their operational mandates to delve into political matters, that amounts to interference in the internal affairs of our sovereign country” This happened as Harare Metropolitan Provincial Development Coordinator, Tafadzwa Muguti requested that all NGO’s operating in Harare provide their work plans and sign MOUs with his office in order for them to continue operating. 19

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