CONFRONTING RECKLESS STATEMENTS Responding to the Zimbabwe Peace Project April 2022 Monthly Monitoring Report implicating Zanu PF in human rights violations, Zanu PF Director of Information, Tafadzwa Mugwadi said something that is not only completely false, but reckless. He was quoted in the NewsDay of 16 May in a report titled ZPP report exposes Zanu PF violence “…ZANU PF holds ZPP and Jestina Mukoko responsible for the sporadic needless orgies of violence that she hatches working with paid opposition activists targeting security officers, Government buildings, businesses, and individual citizens…. The revolutionary party is aware of a number of her rented properties which she uses as nursery beds for organising violent protests disguised as safe houses. To the contrary, Zanu PF as an organisation is a party of peace-loving doves, no wonder our motto is ‘unity, peace and development,” he said. ZPP, through her lawyer, Musa Kika, who is the Executive Director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum (The Forum), has since written to Mugwadi in his capacity as the Zanu PF Director of Information demanding, among other things, that Mugwadi either provides the evidence of his claims, or substantiate your claims or issue a public apology, failure of which, he would be facing a US$50,000 lawsuit. Zanu PF has responded seeking further details about the issue. ZPP is a member of The Forum. In the letter of demand written to Kika contends that Mukoko is a well-known human rights activist. She is a former television personality and is accordingly easily recognised by many Zimbabweans, so as a result of Mugwadi’s utterances, her standing in the society has greatly diminished. ZPP is a human rights monitoring and documentation organization that has continued to expose evidence-based statistics of of human right abuses in Zimbabwe

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