#MACHETEGANGS “If Zanu PF ever loses, expect us to chop your arms off. We will not get arrested since the police belong to us the Zanu PF people” As another sun rises and shines onto the streets of Kwekwe its golden rays mask the dark bloody encounters that have become part of life in this mining town. This is a town that is supposed to show wealth and status owing to its strategic positioning above goldfields, but it has instead become a place of bloodletting, conflict and pain. Hometown to President Mnangagwa, former State Security minister Owen Ncube among other politicians, Kwekwe is place where gold tunnels can be found just but anywhere. It is also a place of explosive political contestation between the main political parties, Zanu PF and the Citizens Coalition for Change and for years the Movement for Democratic Change. In the last election, the Kwekwe Central parliamentary seat was won by the now late National People’s First (NPF) Party candidate Masango Matambanadzo. Matambanadzo was formerly Zanu PF and belonged to the G40 faction loyal to former president, the late Robert Mugabe and he was part of the former Zanu PF officials who formed the NPF in 2018. Another factor that has made Kwekwe a place of contestation is what is believed to be President Mnangagwa’s tight control of the mining activities in the area. He would prefer for Zanu PF to win the parliamentary seat in the town as this would assert his control even more. This is where things get a little violent and we provide the context. Beyond Kwekwe, artisanal miners are an important component of Zimbabwe’s politics of patronage which Zanu PF has perfected over the years. The idea is to create a vulnerable community that can be exploited and artisanal miners are just the perfect constituency for that and this is one of the reasons why upon assuming power, President Mnangagwa liberalized artisanal miners and relaxed the licence requirements. What this meant was that the majority of unemployed young people could now easily find their way into the tunnels to extract the precious gold. But of course, it came at a price. The fact that most young people are unemployed creates a willing demographic that will do whatever to get a meal on the table. All the suspects arrested following the Kwekwe incident were listed as unemployed and some were also listed as having no identity documents. As artisanal mining continued to spread, so did the ruling party officials tighten their control of the miners in order to get the most out of the proceeds. Several Zanu PF politicians have been fingered as the hands behind artisanal miners, and in some cases machete gangs that terrorise people in and outside the mines. The President Mnangagwa’s sons have been accused of taking over control of a number of mining sites across the country. Though violence in gold mining areas apparently diminished in 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions, the trend has flared up again now that operating space has opened up and more importantly, Zimbabwe is heading to yet another election.

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