issuing a peace order against members of Kagonye housing cooperative on 27 July 2015. They were not allowed to be seen within the disputed site in Goromonzi South. · · · · · · On 15 July an MDC-T supporter of Muvhiza village in Mudzi North was displaced from the village by Zanu PF district chairperson Thomas Kamwanza for not providing his truck to transport Zanu PF youths traveling to Kotwa district. He was given 3 days to vacate the area and 50 litres of diesel forcibly taken from him. The case was reported to the police and no action was taken. Goromonzi district ZIMRIGHTS chairperson Tapiwa Murima was arrested for voicing his concern against exorbitant charges by the District Administrator (DA) for vendors. The council employee wanted to confiscate the wares he was selling which he resisted. He was accused of assault and detained at Chinamhora police station. He alerted the human rights lawyers and National Association of Vendors Unions of Zimbabwe (NAVUZ) officials to assist him. He believes he was targeted for organizing vendors to resist the exorbitant vending fees. The business community in Uzumba was forced to pay $5 towards Heroes day celebrations by the District Administrator Mr. Kadaira and Zanu PF chairpersons Godfrey Chikono, Fungai Dembaremba and Shephard Mushamba. Intra-party conflict in Zanu PF was reported in Hwedza on allegations that the newly elected Hwedza North MP David Musabayana feels threatened by people who were close to the late MP Simon Musanhu. It is alleged that the Hwedza South MP Rosemary Goto is sponsoring an anti-Musabayana group to disrupt development projects initiated by Musabayana. The group is against the distribution of food which is spearheaded by Musabayana. Jokora Choto a village head in Choto village in Mudzi West forced people to attend a meeting before voting on 25 July. Villagers aged between 18 and 60 were threatened with death if they did not vote for a Zanu PF candidate Magna Mudyiwa. They were forced to queue in alphabetic order of their names so that those who vote for the National Constitutional Assemby (NCA) candidate George Kawaza would be identified. It was indicated that those who vote for the opposition would be forced to go and live with the candidate. The villagers had to comply because they feared for their lives. A meeting was held in Mudzi West after the elections on 26 July 2015 to inspect the fingers of villagers to see if they had voted; this was allegedly done by a Zanu PF official identified as Doctor Tsuro. He threatened to write down the names of those who did not vote so that they could be evicted from the village as they were accused of supporting George Kawaza of NCA. Mashonaland West Mashonaland West remains tense in the aftermath of the by-election held in Hurungwe West. Harassment and intimidation of people viewed as enemies of Zanu PF continues as was noted in the same constituency when two headmen were suspended by Chief Nyamhunga over their allegiance to Temba Mliswa. Most people in the province have turned to gold panning due to economic hardships. The issue has become very political in that when huge gold deposits are discovered by ordinary people it is alleged that Zanu PF bigwigs or state agents will displace those who discovered the gold and start looting the area. It is said in a short space of time the area will be fenced off and 8

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