#PROVINCIAL OUTLOOK MASH EAST MASH WEST MIDLANDS Cases of intimidation escalated in Mashonaland East Province. The majority of the cases were targeting CCC members by individuals aligned to Zanu PF in Murehwa, Mudzi and Mutoko. In Mutoko three CCC members were badly injured after being attacked by Zanu PF activists. Although the case was reported to the police and the perpetrators are known no arrests have been made. In Murehwa, Zanu PF activists bragged that their affiliation to the ruling party puts them above the law. At Ruwa Business Centre in Goromonzi North, the local council demolished structures, vending stalls and buildings at the business centre. The demolitions affected almost 70 small shops, furniture dealers, and vendors. It is suspected that the shop owners affected were accused of being opposition supporters. In Mashonaland West cases involving the violation of political rights and freedom of assembly and association also escalated during the month of July. Zanu PF legislator Mary Chikoko Mliswa was involved in two violations in which she forced villagers to convene. On 16 July, in Chinokopota village under chief Nyamhunga Ward 17 in Hurungwe West, Chikoko Mliswa forced villagers to chant Zanu PF slogans during what is supposed to be a non-partisan Ward Development Co-ordinating meeting. A CCC member who had refused to chant the slogans was told to leave the meeting. On 23 July, at Yomba Farm in Ward 3 of Zvimba East, Zanu PF Zvimba District Coordinating Committee (DCC) officials Goodluck Mbiri and Spencer Murumahoko convened a meeting with about 80 A1 farmers. During the meeting, Mbiri and Marumahoko told the farmers that it was the intention of the party to repartition the farm to allocate some land to some Zanu PF supporters. The farmers reportedly became violent threatening to torch the DCC car resulting in the two fleeing. In the Midlands there was heightened vote-buying in Gokwe Kabuyuni ahead of the by-election scheduled following the death of former legislator Leonard Chikomba in June 2022. With Zanu PF and CCC gunning for the seat, there was vote buying, harassment and intimidation. For example, the aspiring ruling party candidates Mukuli, Spencer and Mukahla reportedly dished out money, soccer balls and party t-shirts to supporters. After the closing of the nomination court only Zanu PF and CCC will battle it out on August 27, 2022 the date proclaimed by the president for the elections. 8

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