   by Philip Chinovava what he wanted since he was an MDC-T member. He told them that he wanted to join Zanu-PF but was told to go back home. After he left it was reported that Chinovava told his colleagues (Chinovava’s) that they were going to deal with him in 2018 as he wanted to spy on Zanu-PF to report to MDC-T. On 18 April 2016, MDC-T supporters had a gathering at Fiyadho Township in Ward 27, Chikomba East where they were demanding their freedoms as they said that they were not fully independent. Zanu-PF supporters, John Chaga and Nguvayapera Gonyora, also went to the gathering with MDC-T supporters. At the end of the day Chaga and Gonyora started insulting Stephen Jangano and Earnest Nzanga (not real names). This angered other MDC-T supporters present who wanted the two Zanu-PF supporters to be thrown out. Gonyora and Chaga dropped a booklet where they had written names of all MDC-T supporters who were present at the gathering. The two wanted to give feedback to their party about the people who were present at the MDC-T gathering. This was verified by the secretary for logistics in MDC-T in Chikomba East. On 12 April 2016, a meeting was held in Ward 7, Goromonzi West, where the agenda was to inform them on how they were going to fund raise for Independence Day celebrations. It was reported that every household was supposed to pay US$2 for the celebration but most people could not afford to pay due to financial constraints. Those who did not pay were labelled opposition party members although some of the ZanuPF supporters could not afford the amount. Only US$15 was raised. On 30 April 2016, one Musafari Chikoto of Ward 26, Mutoko South, was threatened by Zanu-PF supporters for being a member of a peace club. He was quizzed about his involvement in the peace club which had been set up by a non-governmental organisation. He was summoned to a hearing by Chirowa, the Zanu-PF district chairperson and he tried to explain to them that they were working with churches not political parties. He was threatened with assault in 2018. Mashonaland West The month of April which is a significant month for our country where we celebrate the country’s Independence had a number of violations where people’s rights were violated in Mashonaland West. In Magunje, a Zanu-PF youth was reportedly writing down names of all MDC-T youths who went to Karoi for their party meeting promising to deal with them in 2018. A women’s church gathering was barred for allegedly having invited ZimPF leader, Joice Mujuru, to be their guest speaker as a fellow Christian woman. The elders of the church were accused of planning a political meeting. People were forced to contribute towards Independence Day Celebrations in most constituencies including Chegutu East and Zvimba West being forced to pay US$1 and US$2 respectively. There are some areas where maize distribution is still being politicised by local leaders. In Mhondoro-Ngezi, a woman was prevented from receiving her allocation of maize because of her political affiliation. The worrying fact is that the local leadership, especially village heads are said to be then allegedly selling excess maize at US$2.50 per bucket and using the money to buy beer while some families starve. 17

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