nation wide shortages. 30 December Right to Food Freedom of Association Zanu PF councillor Lawrence Maphosa, is alleged to have given food aid to Insiza South Zanu PF youth and women’s league members at the expense of deserving beneficiaries. Province Date HR Violated Provincial highlights Masvingo 1 December Right to Food 8 December Right to Food Freedom of Association 15 December Right to Food Freedom of Association It is alleged that MDC-T supporters’ names were erased from the food register by Sostina Zivuku and Munapo Gwenyaya, both Zanu PF supporters from Chivi Central. Before distribution the list was submitted to Gwenyaya who removed names of people he said do not support Zanu PF. At Cheshanga business centre in Zaka East, *Sheila Gore of MDC-T was allegedly denied access to food aid by Zanu PF supporters, Solomon Chinyaure and Mujera Charamba. Chinyaure told Gore that the rice was only enough for Zanu PF supporters. Chiponda reported the matter to Samuel Janga the Zanu PF District chairperson who turned Gore away and told her to go and get assistance from MDC-T. MDC-T supporter *Tererai Madamombe was allegedly denied access to maize seed by Zanu PF councillor Fastino Chigevenga. Chigevenga claimed that the seed is from the Zanu PF led government and in Zaka East only Zanu PF members should benefit. Province Date HR Violated Provincial highlights Midlands Freedom of Association Farmers from ward 5 Gokwe Nembudziya were promised free fertiliser as an incentive for them to grow cotton. However, Councillor Steward Mbulawa allegedly refused to give the fertilizers to the rightful farmers and instead handed the inputs to Zanu PF members some who were not part of the cotton farming program. 10 December 22

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