names after they officially joined the ruling party. Province Date HR Violated Provincial highlights Mashonaland West 15 December Right to Food 18 December Right to Food 20 December Right to Food Rights of the Elderly 31 December Right to Food Freedom of Association 31 December Right to Food Less that 20 people received food aid despite that 48 were registered to benefit during the month of December in Zvimba North. It is alleged that maize was delivered on 3 December but councillor Mercy Mahachi kept the bags of maize at her homestead until 15 December when she distributed it at night to less than half of the beneficiaries. Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Minister, Prisca Mupfumira was distributing food aid in Chinhoyi urban when she is alleged to have announced that it was for all regardless of political affiliation. Unfortunately, those that had been mobilizing residents invited mostly Zanu PF supporters. Very few opposition activists or non-partisan community members got the message. Social welfare officers who were distributing relief maize at council offices at Mubaira Growth point in Mhondoro are alleged to have discriminated against elderly people when they denied them access to food aid. It is unclear what criteria the officials were using to identify the elderly, as they did not look at identity documents to ascertain age. *Monica Manhenga is on Anti Retroviral Treatment but was denied food as the social welfare officers said she did not look sickly. Hurungwe North Zanu PF chairperson, Oliver Mutungwa, is alleged to have held a meeting where he announced to villagers at Karura Business Centre that fertiliser issued under the agricultural inputs scheme would be coming soon. He is alleged to have said that all villagers looking to benefit from the scheme should know which party to support. During the festive season people in Karoi town were focused on getting cash. Despite the introduction of bond notes, the cash crisis persisted. This forced most people to make financial transactions using bank-cards and Ecocash and ended up being fleeced by shop owners who introduced a mark up ranging from a dollar for all food stuffs bought through mobile or electronic transactions. 20

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