Mashonaland West Power wrangles within the ruling party and opposition camps recorded during April were an insight of violent upcoming harmonised elections. There were a number of cases in which Zanu PF activists were at each other’s throat . Some of the incidents recorded emanated from the outcomes of the Zanu PF March primary elections. On 29 April an intraparty violence case on the right to personal security was reported at Tissue Ground ward 13 in Kadoma Central. It is alleged that Zanu PF members were involved in a violent fist fight over the choice of the candidate who would compete in the harmonised elections. Reports indicate that some members wanted to replace Lazarus Mutami, an uncontested candidate during the Zanu PF primaries with a gold buyer only identified as Shingeti. A FAZ member Eliot Hungwe wanted Shingeti to take over from Mutami, however, this did not go well with other members resulting in the fight. Hungwe was assaulted resulting in him fleeing from the meeting and declaring that without the replacement of Mutami, Zanu PF would not win (Bhora Musango). A few people got injured during the skirmish. Bulawayo In the month of April there was political intolerance in the province of Bulawayo. In ward 8 of Makhokhoba constituency, it was reported that a Zanu PF activist identified as Julian Nkomo went around the shops tearing campaign posters for opposition members. Verified facts suggest that Nkomo made revelations that going forward into the campaigns, some advertisement spaces will be reserved for the ruling party only. Nkomo’s actions violate the Electoral Act. Political intolerance was also coupled with tribal undertones. This was evidenced by a case that 21 was recorded at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair grounds, where it was reported that Knowledge Zulu of Mthwakazi Republic Party insulted Bernard Chinhori who was wearing Zanu PF regalia. It is alleged that Zulu insulted Chinhori with unprintable words for supporting Zanu PF. THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT MONTHLY MONITORING REPORT | APRIL 2023

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