of Parliament for the constituency. Mr Mhaka in his address told the gathering every household was supposed to pay $1 transport fee. He is reported to have said that those who failed to comply would be regarded as Zanu PF enemies who are not willing to work with the legislator. Other Zanu PF members objected to this pointing out that the MP had said the food would be given for free. The free distribution of the food was later done on the 26 th of March 2017. 29 March Right to Food There was rice and beans said to have been donated by the President R.G Mugabe which was supposed to benefit everyone in Chiwundura constituency. This was in Nyoka village Ward 11. It was reported that the Zanu PF leadership in the area allegedly denied all known opposition supporters the food aid. This was done by deliberately omitting the opposition supporters’ names and only registering Zanu PF supporters. A victim Percy Chimoyo* who is reported to be in bad health is a widower was denied the aid on political grounds. The ward 11 chairperson is said to have told Percy that in order to benefit from such initiatives he has to openly declare that he was joining Zanu PF. *The names of victims have been changed to protect their identities. 31

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