12 March Right to Councillor Stanley Mahlangu, was allegedly victimised by police officers after false reports from suspected Zanu PF Property youths. It was reported that these youths made up a story against the opposition MDC-T councillor Mahlangu that he had stolen a beast when it was actually his. It is alleged that the beast was forcibly taken away from him pending investigations. It was also reported that Mahlangu was summoned to the police station but the officers handling the case were not there and was told to report again at a later date. 18 March Freedom of Cotton Ward Chairpersons gathered at the Cottco company premises for a meeting. Farmers around the Chireya area Association were also invited. Among the notable leaders in attendance were ward councillors who included Ward 4, Simon Political Mucheza, Ward 1, Ms Marongwe, Ward Chairpersons Ward 1 Michael Tupe and Ward 5’s Elias Vumbanyama. The Rights expected agenda was the cotton price for 2017. To their surprise they were then told that this year it was different, for one to be in partnership with the cotton company in terms of piece job employment and selling their cotton to them they supposed to produce a Zanu PF membership cards and a letter from the Ward chair recommending that individual as well as confirming that he/she is bona-fide member of the ruling Zanu PF party. This worried many farmers since their livelihood is mainly sustained by cotton farming activities. This threat is said to have brought back 2008 political violence memories on what could happen if one did not comply with these directives. 19 March Political At Muchakata Shopping Centre in Chiwundura it is reported that the Zanu PF inter district chairperson Mr Alfred rights Chidhakwa announced that the Zanu PF party will be embarking on a door to door election campaign soon. He is Freedom of reported to have further said every household in Chiwundura constituency will be visited even if it is known to be an 22

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