  Zimbabwe Ndlovu dismissed alleging he was working with the MDC-T. It is pertinent to note the MP for the area and majority of the councillors are MDC-T. On 8 June in Tsholotsho North there was distribution of food donated by MP Jonathan Moyo at Sipepa Centre. Perpetrators Clement Mkandla and Jones Mutasa of Zanu PF said the maize was for party members only and those not on the party register would not get any food. All Ward 5 residents not in party structures were denied access to the maize it is reported. Four village heads alleged under Chief Saba were allegedly denied participation in a Christian Care supported peace building workshop on 18 June in Binga North. Their names were deliberately omitted by the senior village head Thaddeus Mwemba who was tasked with inviting other village heads. He left out Mr Siamangoma and three other heads known to be activists. Mrs Bwalya, Mrs Mkwananzi and Mai Parties were on 3 June forcibly evicted by the messenger of court for failing to pay rentals at Cinderella Township ward 10, Hwange Central. Some other people including a Pastor were similarly evicted in Makwika village number 3. The evictions were done in the evening between 7 and 8 pm. It is reported one Fortune Muwani of Zanu PF then contacted Colliery board members and some influential people in Harare complaining that if this continued it would de campaign the party ahead of the general elections. The Colliery Managing Director then ordered a stop to the evictions and those evicted to return to their homes. Midlands Efforts are being made to bring unity in the two major political parties MDC-T and Zanu PF after some intra party political squabbles in each of the two parties. On the side of Zanu PF, a politburo member Jorum Gumbo was appointed interim provincial chairperson tasked with patching political differences between the so called G40 and Team Lacoste factions of Zanu PF the former believed to curry favours from the First Lady whilst the latter is associated with Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Team Lacoste believed to enjoy support of war veterans is reported to have threatened to go it alone and in the process tearing Zanu PF into two. On the other hand, MDC-T has two political provinces-Midlands north and south. These were seen as the major drivers of factionalism as they emerged led by Sesel Zvidzai and Amos Chibaya respectively. The party has resolved to amalgamate the two provinces into one all in an endeavour to end factions within the opposition party. Highlights   On 17/06/16, a girl aged 15 of village 1C ward 23 Gokwe Chireya was sexually abused/raped by a known Zanu PF party activist named Talent Tauya. It is reported that the incident took place while the girl was walking home from the shops at around 3pm.The actor pounced on the defenceless victim and sexually abused her. A passerby by the name Abel Munikwe* managed to rescue the girl leading to the arrest of the perpetrator. The personal dignity of the victim as enshrined in the constitution was violated. A group of about 30 kombi and pirate taxi drivers led by one MacDonald Mpofu of Zvishavane Town (Zvishavane Ngezi) approached the local Radio station (YAFM) 27

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