threatened to deal with all the people who did not attend the meeting. Masline Chibereko*, a member of ZimPF is one of the opposition supporters who had their rights to freedom of association violated by Chitiza and Chifuje who forced her to attend the meeting. Mashonaland East The province recorded a variety of violations during the month under review. As the 2018 election campaign gathers momentum a number of reported cases indicated that people in different parts of the province were threatened with violence during the 2018 election campaign period. This is a direct violation of the citizens’ rights to support the party of their choice without intimidation. In Mudzi West two men were assaulted and evicted for allegedly supporting the opposition thereby violating Section 66 (2) (b) of the Constitution which states that every Zimbabwean citizen and everyone else who is legally in Zimbabwe has the right to reside in any part of Zimbabwe. Highlights     In Mudzi West, Richard Moyo* and Tatenda Meki* were assaulted by Tinditu and Magodo believed to be from the Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC) and another only known as Soul Jah man. The two perpetrators accused the two victims of being opposition MDC-T supporters. The two men were asked where they got the Mercedes Benz they drove and were chased way from Kotwa where they were staying. Tinditu and Magodo are reported to have told the pair that they should never set foot in the area again as it was a no-go-area for opposition supporters. The incident happened on 5 June in Kotwa ward 17. On 6 June at Ruwa Town Council in ward 2, Goromonzi South at 0830 hours there was a demonstration by youths who are believed to have been hired from Caledonia ward 25 and Solomio ward 7 by Oswell Gwanzura of Zanu PF. The youths were transported by lorries and dropped at the Town Council where they protested against dirty water and damaged roads. The youths smashed town council vehicles until the offices were closed at 12pm. Gwanzura is a Zanu PF shadow councillor in Ruwa and also the owner of Shingiriro Cooperative in Solomio. The Zanu PF youths Chikanga, Chikasha and Dhongi were the leaders of the demonstrations as they claimed to be war veterans. Managers at the Town Council had to run away and this disturbed business. The demonstrators left around 1600 hours after intervention of Ruwa police who calmed the situation. A group of Zanu PF youths who allegedly came from Goromonzi North and South and went to Phase 20 ward 25 Caledonia stands also known as Eastview Park on 16 June 2016 in Goromonzi South. The youths claimed they had been sent by President Robert Mugabe to get stands in Caledonia. Riot police had to be called to quell the situation. The youths are said to have eventually allocated themselves stands in the area. In Chikomba East in Masvaure village, Chief Ngundu of ward 26 on 16 June sent his aides to go round the village looking for people who had piles of firewood at their 21

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