Kwekwe. It is alleged the women who were beating pots to show government that their families had nothing to eat, were moving from town to the Long Distance Bus Terminus when they were ambushed and pelted with stones by suspected Zanu PF supporters leading to the disruption of the peaceful demonstration and in the process depriving the citizens their right to peaceful demonstrations as enshrined in the constitution.  Councilor Stanley Chakabveyo (Zanu PF) is reported to have verbally abused Nicholas Chisuko* accusing him of selling out after the victim defected to ZimPF. It is alleged, the two met at a development workshop at Tsungai clinic ward 23 Gokwe Chireya. Upon seeing the victim, Chakabveyo started shouting at Chisuko* saying the meeting was not for “sell outs”. The angry Chisuko* collected his note book and went away however having been deprived of his right to participate in the development of the ward. The incident is reported to have happened on July 14. FOOD AND OTHER VIOLATIONS Bulawayo On 19 July food was reportedly being distributed to Zanu PF card holders only at the late Dr Sikhanyiso Ndlovu’s house in Mpopoma.It reported the food had come from the Department of Social welfare which has the mandate to provide mitigating interventions in the face of the El Nino induced drought. Manicaland  On 29 July, at Chami Business Centre Buhera West, Mr Mudavanhu (District Administrator) is reported to have told villagers that Manjengwa and Magaya villages would not get food from the Department of Social welfare because the two villages get support from Heal Zimbabwe. The incident happened at Chami when the DA was reportedly asked by villagers to explain the procedure and government policy on social welfare assistance. Residents are aware that it is a government obligation to ensure that its citizens have sufficient food.  There was chaos in ward 24 Buhera South on 23 July, when four MDC-T activists who had participated in a food for work program were denied access to their food allocation. It is reported the activists, Tafara Banda* and others 31

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