team was to encourage youths to live in peace despite their political differences. Shadow Councillor Chigango of Zanu PF met with other Zanu PF youth leaders and accused Soko of influencing youths to turn against the government because he is a member of Zimrights. Soko was removed from his position as the chairperson of the league by Chigango on July 20.  In Muzarabani South ward 17, Muriel Mhofu*, Bennet Manesta* both of MDCT were called by the Zanu PF councillor Proud Pfodzo on 22 nd July to his house. The two were called to the councillor’s home where they were told that if they kept supporting MDC-T they were not going to benefit from any aid programmes and were to be evicted from the area. The two were given until 1 August to surrender MDC-T materials and join Zanu PF. The case was not reported and they did not go back to Pfodzo to surrender. They said they were going to report to MDC-T offices after the Heroes Day holiday.  Itai Muchena* aged 20 of Kadyamaunga village in ward 4 Mazowe North was hired by Renewal Democrats of Zimbabwe (RDZ) party to be a polling agent at Chigwida Primary School during the by-election of 23 July. Muchena was then summoned by the Zanu PF leadership in his village led by branch chairperson Cde Gwindi two days later. Gwindi saw the victim when he visited the polling station where he was an election agent. Muchena’s parents were also summoned and questioned by the Zanu PF leadership. His father, a headman, was forced to kneel down facing charges of selling out. The victim in his defence referred the perpetrators to Phiri, who had influenced Muchena to be a polling agent. Phiri* had to travel from Forrester B section where he works to Chiweshe. After meeting Phiri the Zanu PF leadership forgave the victim but his parents refused to report the case to the police for fear of further victimisation. Phiri is said to have explained that they only wanted to make money after having heard that the opposition party had no polling agents.  On 26 July in Mazowe North a meeting was held at Forrester farm where Advocate Martin Dinha was to address the people. Dinha encouraged people to vote for him in the coming by-elections. It is reported that the aspiring Member of Parliament Dinha took over an office from the farm owners and said he wanted to turn it into a Zanu PF office. Youths were promised farms which were going to be taken from all white farmers in the area. It was said that his office was in the process of writing offer letters to be given to the youths. 22

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