Highlights:  On 6 December 2015, at Maodza Business Centre Chiundura, a Zanu-PF activist Christopher Mataruse verbally harassed MDC-T member, Dick Taonezvi (not real name) when the two met at the centre. It is said, the victim had at one time approached Zanu-PF members pleading with them to join MDC-T since their party was no longer stable due to in fighting. On the day in question, the actor demanded to know why the victim was trying to convert Zanu-PF members to his own party. Before the victim could answer, he was threatened with assault and eviction if he continued to act as he did.  On 20 December 2015, in a case of intra-party violence in MDC-T party, Patience Chiwara of Tsungai Centre Gokwe Nembudziya allegedly verbally assaulted a fellow woman from the same party after she lost in elections to elect a new party district executive committee. Both ladies were eyeing the chairperson’s post which the actor lost to the victim. In a fit of rage, the actor went to the victim intending to physically assault her but was restrained by other party members. However, she abused the victim verbally calling her a donkey and saying she was junior in politics. It must be noted that the two belong to different political camps in the province one allegedly led by Amos Chibaya and the other supposedly by Cecil Zvidzai. The victim is a suspected Zvidzai supporter. 21

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