members of the Lacoste faction were said to have been from a
had selected the committee it was then reported that they were
campaign meeting at Dombo Business Centre when they
threatened by a Mambishi and Gwamanda for challenging
committed the violation. It is alleged that Madungwe and
what they referred to as a party decision. Thus it was said that
Gumbu were campaigning for Stewart Mhatiwa who is tipped
some of those disgruntled members threatened not to cast their
to replace Madungwe in the 2018 polls as ward 16 councillor.
votes at all in the 2018 polls.
They were reported to have accused Pwanyai of being part of
the group side-lining them (Gumbu and Madungwe) from
On 17 and 18 January, in Chiredzi West, section 10 Triangle,
Zanu PF party activities in the past.
a case of partisan distribution of aid was reported. It is
reported that, the rice distribution programme was held at
It was reported that in Chivi Central ward 16, the councillor
Kamba section 10 which was said to have been led by the
Munashe Pwanyai, Zanu PF ward 16 youth chairperson
Zanu PF area leadership. This event was characterised by
Namiel Gumbu and Howard Madungwe allegedly told people
chanting of Zanu PF slogans before the rice aid was
at a Zanu PF meeting that they were supposed to submit serial
distributed. It was said that before the distribution, voter serial
numbers on their voter registration slips to their respective
numbers were recorded. It is alleged that known opposition
kraal heads. Ward 16 is made up 38 kraal heads all under
supporters like one Zuva had their names omitted from that
headman Masunda. The incident was reported to have
list where each family was supposed to receive food aid
happened at Masunda South School where Zanu PF was
On 18 January, in Chiredzi West ward 3 Tshovani, a case of
reported to be giving its members food aid in form of rice.
partisan distribution of rice aid was recorded. It was reported
In Masvingo Central, ward 15 it was reported that farming
that while at the distribution of the rice, ward 3 Councillor
inputs from the government were manipulated and used to lure
Tarusenga Makamba rose before the distribution and forced
the residents to Zanu PF meetings. It is said the inputs
all who had attended to chant Zanu PF slogans before they
distribution gatherings were used as platforms to then record
received their 5 kg share of the rice. The councillor is alleged
serial numbers on the residents’ voter registration slips before
to have singled out two residents Auxillia Mangezi* and
one was given the farming inputs. The main perpetrator of this
Agness Makamure* who he accused of being opposition
violation is one Jemitias Chisvinga who is a war veteran in the
supporters and denied them rice.
ward. This was reported at Uzeze Primary on 16 January.
In Gutu Central, ward 38, a case of violating the Electoral Act
On 17 January, in Bikita South at Gawa in ward 1 branch a
was recorded on 18 January. It is reported that village heads in
Zanu PF internal squabble (intra-party violence) case was
the ward embarked on a process of forcibly taking villagers’
reported. It is alleged that at a party meeting there was an
voter registration slips and recording serial numbers. As a
exchange of harsh words by most members of Zanu PF as
result villagers are living in fear.
some members were angered by the introduction of the new
partaking in this process were Gandashanga, Purazeni and
ward committee which they accused of being imposed and not
from the people. Upon the present members enquiring on who
Notable village heads