that make it imperative for the regional bloc to assist its member deal with issues that might end up affecting the entire region if not tackled in time and with urgency they deserve. Police disturbingly continued occupying the second highest percentage of perpetrators at 34.6%, up from 22.29% recorded in October 2019. Instead of protecting citizens, they have become a danger to society as evidenced by their continued brutality on citizens. The trend of victim affiliation remaining unknown continued with 87,41% of victims not revealing their affiliation; an indicator of the entrenched fear within citizens. In response to the above issues, ZPP calls for:  The country’s leadership to come down from their entrenched positions and engage in an inclusive and allencompassing dialogue which will yield positive results in the resolution to the crisis that is bedeviling the country.  The speedy intervention to the food crisis in the country by ensuring that there is equitable and transparent distribution of food and other aid.  That government becomes a protagonist in the protection of civil liberties through allowing people to assemble as provided for in Section 58 of the constitution and the freedom to demonstrate and petition in Section 59. Violence should never be the answer. If you are concerned about acts of human rights violations in your community ZPP encourages you to get in touch on WhatsApp numbers: +263 774 883 406 and +263 774 883 417 ABOUT ZPP The organisation was founded in 2000 by church-based and human rights organisations. The current members of ZPP are Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe (EFZ), Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC), Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace in Zimbabwe (CCJPZ), Counselling Services Unit (CSU), Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights), Civic Education Network Trust (CIVNET), and Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe (WCoZ). ZPP was established with the objective of monitoring, documenting and building peace and promoting the peaceful resolution of disputes and conflicts. The Zimbabwe Peace Project seeks to foster dialogue and political tolerance through non-partisan peace monitoring activities, mainly through monitors who document the violations of rights in the provinces. The monitors, who at full complement stand at 420, constitute the core pool of volunteers, supported by four Regional Coordinators. The Regional Coordinators relate with the national office headed by the National Director and programme officers in various units. 11

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