Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 6 Special Focus In the month of February, the special focus area zoomed on equality and non-discrimination, political rights, freedom of assembly and association and personal security. In a democracy, citizens have the right to freely express their opinions, the right to vote, form political parties & take part in political activities. As such, the protection of these rights is fundamental. Freedom of Assembly and Association In the month of February, ZPP recorded a total of 32 cases related to freedom of assembly and association. Mashonaland East and Midlands provinces had nine violations each, the highest number, and Mashonaland Central had the lowest being one violation. A case of intimidation and harassment was reported in Arongani Village Ward 16 in Mudzi South on February 20. It is alleged that a Zanu PF aligned traditional leader Stanley Zinhu forced villagers to convene before a Zanu PF Chairperson Memory Kachungwamira forcing villagers to sing revolutionary songs and denounce opposition parties. Kachungwamira went on to intimidate, harass and threaten an activist. Reports indicates that Kachungwamira said, “hatidi kumurega ari mupenyu, panguva yatiri kupinda yema elections”, the Zanu PF committee present at the meeting agreed that the activist should be evicted from the ward and his relatives should not benefit from government handouts such as inputs. In Bikita, it was reported that on 9 February, Bikita Police unduly impounded a truck that was ferrying and assisting CCC members to register to vote, at Nyika Growth Point in Bikita West. These 59 CCC members were from Bikita East and were left stranded after registering to vote. Verified facts indicated that a lorry belonging to a CCC aspiring candidate for Bikita East which had been used to ferry people for a long time to register to vote. It was impounded for unclear reasons but suspected to have been political as the selective application of the law continues unabated. The 59 were also said to have been detained after demanding the release of the vehicle and released the following day on 10 February. According to Section 58 of the Constitution, every Zimbabwean has the right not to assemble or associate with others nor be compelled to belong to an association or to attend a meeting or gathering. The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Article 10 states that, “every individual shall have the right to assemble freely with others.” In addition, Article 11 states that, “every individual shall have the right to freedom of movement.” The right to freedom of association is guaranteed under Articles 12(3), 27(2) and 28 of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance. February 2023 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 14

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