Allegedly, the victims suspect a Zanu PF Councillor identified as Roja Mashoro who was said to have been threatening CCC supporters during ward and village meetings. The arson cases were reported to the ZRP at Chambuta station, ward 7 (RRB 5483395) and ward 6 (CR39/07/23). The victims lost property that include utensils, mattress, food, cement, and live chickens which has affected their livelihood. Midlands Province The most striking violation in the province was an arson case that was recorded in Shurugwi at Mahove in Tongogara. It was reported that suspected opposition supporters led by Edwin Madhuveko set on fire huts of nine families. The arson attacks carried out by Edwin and others targeted Zanu PF members who lost property and other goods. A number of women were affected. The matter was reported to the police. Consequently, there was a witch hunt for opposition supporters especially members of the CCC. In Mahove village of Shurugwi, where a FAZ member Tendai Manhungo instructed all villagers not to entertain CCC members when they carry out door to door campaigns. This happened on the sidelines when Zanu PF members had gathered all villagers to organise for the Cowdray Park rally which took place in Bulawayo. Manhungo further told villagers and party supporters that anyone who welcomes CCC supporters to their home shall be beaten up. Intimidation and harassment remain the major features in the province. During the funeral proceedings at Kadangwe homestead in ward 10, it was reported that Chief Gambiza ordered all village heads to put on the ruling party regalia. In that funeral Gambiza who had worn the ruling party’s regalia told all mourners that Zanu PF was the only winning party which everyone under his jurisdiction is mandated to vote for. Gambiza warned that those that fail to show allegiance to the ruling party shall not be given food. His partisan approach violates Section 281 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act of 2013 that clearly prohibits traditional leaders from being members of any political party, participating in any politics or to further any interests of any political party to that effect. Other cases of intimidation and harassment were recorded in Gokwe Kana where Zanu PF activists Magola Nyoni and Dorcas Mandhla were threatening people with death notices especially those that were known as CCC activists. In Gokwe Kabuyuni in ward 27, FAZ member Viola Mombeshora intimidated and forced citizens to attend the ruling party campaign meeting. It is said that Mombeshora was moving around with the Zanu PF District Chairperson Vhumbanyama where they told vendors and shopkeepers to attend their meeting. In ward 23 of Redcliff Urban, Mandlenkosi Maqoqoda, the Zanu PF District Chairperson, donated stationery to St Joseph Primary School and forced children and their parents to chant Zanu PF party slogans. This is against the electoral act where children are not to be forced to take part in any political gathering. Bulawayo Province The province recorded an increase of cases of intimidation and harassment ahead of the elections. On 17 July between Fife Street and 5th Avenue, Zanu PF activists led by Simiso Ndlovu were forcing vendors to join their party. It is said that the ruling party was moving around in large groups intimidating vendors to join the party or else be expelled from vending bays. Ndlovu was heard remarking on the fact that any vendor, whether operating illegally or otherwise, becomes untouchable if they are protected by Zanu PF. Page 20

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