Towards A Zimbabwe where there is Peace, Justice, Dignity and Development for All ZPP is a Non-Governmental Organisation that was founded in 2000 by a group of faith based and human rights NGOs working and interested in human rights and peace-building initiatives. ZPP has become a vehicle for civic interventions in times of political crises. ZPP monitors and documents incidents of human rights violations and breaches of peace. RRRV campaign ZPP is running the RRRV 2023 campaign that encourages citizens to resist, reject and report violence in 2023. ZPP strives to support a peaceful electoral process where voters can resist and reject political orders inciting violence in the upcoming 2023 harmonised elections. ZPP developed a mobile application - SPECC, to report Social, Political, Economic, Civil, and Cultural violations. The application provides citizens with a platform to report violations anonymously if they so choose. The App is available on Google Play and Apple stores, and WhatsApp Chatbot called Batsi or Mncedisi. The verified reports are documented in the Monthly Monitoring Report, and the victims are assisted to access service providers for legal or medical support. All this is intended to create an active citizenry that resists, rejects and reports violence. Special Focus In the month of July the special focus delved on issues of equality and non-discrimination, political rights, freedom of assembly and association, personal security and right to administrative justice. Political Rights ZPP recorded a total number of 57 cases in which the political rights of citizens were violated. Mashonaland Central had 9 cases recorded as the highest. Four CCC activists were brutally assaulted by alleged Zanu PF supporters in Harare’s Epworth suburb. The victims were reportedly attacked by a group of Zanu PF supporters led by Cde Ottoman and Cde Mahachi. Social media video footage of the victims showed bloodied images of three women and a man. The incident happened on 21 July and was reported at Domboramwari Police Station in Epworth (RRB5639026). Section 67 of the Zimbabwean Constitution states that every Zimbabwean citizen has the right to form, to join and to participate in the activities of a political party or organisation of their choice, to participate, individually or collectively, in gatherings or groups or in any other manner, in peaceful activities to influence, challenge or support the policies of the Government or any political or whatever cause. Right to Personal Security ZPP recorded 34 cases related to the violation of the right to personal security. Mashonaland Central recorded 10 cases and Matebeleland South recorded a case. On 26 July, a mob of Zanu PF supporters besieged a CCC activist’s house in concession Mazowe West threatened to discipline him for supporting the opposition. The ruling party supporters invaded the home singing revolutionary songs forcing the victim to flee. Reports indicate that the victim was saved by some police officers from the Concession police post who dispersed the mob. Since then, the victim and his family have been living in fear. Page 15

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