members to register to vote. ZPP will therefore continue to monitor the situation closely to see if the practice will persist now that voter registration blitz and mop up exercise is closed and what is ongoing is the continuous registration limited to district level. Should the practice persist, then it forebodes a potentially sinister design. Besides the cases of intimidation and harassment related to the voter registration process, other cases, which were marginal by comparison, related to forcible donations to the ruling party, forcible attendance of ruling party meetings, and outright threats not to attend opposition meetings or to vote for the opposition. Naturally, these cases, it may be observed, are likely to increase as the general election draws closer. Political violence: The systematic rise in cases of political violence, especially intraparty violence, as already observed, can be traced directly to the succession politics of both Zanu PF and the MDCT. The sustained purging of the G40 continued to fuel factional fighting in Zanu PF while the Khuphe/Chamisa succession tussle fuelled the intraparty violence in the MDC-T. Figure 1: Joice Mujuru supporter attacked in Harare 10

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