Provincial Summaries Bulawayo Several cases of discrimination were reported in the province. One peculiar incident was reported in Lobengula where Zanu PF officials reportedly denied their own members access to rice and instead gave the rice to non-members they were recruiting. This left their supporters complaining that their own party was now feeding MDC T supporters at their expense. Zanu PF officials had also started registering their youths for the allocation of land to be done by Local Government Minister Saviour Kasukuwere. Food relief distribution in urban areas also began in some constituencies with some residents complaining that the scheme was politicized. Intra-party conflict within Zanu PF was reported in Luveve where a group of war veterans accused Minister Eunice Sandi Moyo of working with former Vice President Joice Mujuru’s ZimPF. Police denied MDC T their right to demonstrate which was set for 28 May but this was later overturned by the High Court which granted permission in line with the constitution. Highlights:     On 21 May in Lobengula, Zanu PF officials led by District Secretary Felistas Taruvinga compiled a list of 200 party youths to be given land on the outskirts of Bulawayo by Minister Kasukuwere. She emphasised that the land was for Zanu PF youths only and no opposition members would get land. She ordered the youths to start campaigning now ahead of the 2018 elections or else Morgan Tsvangirai would take over the country and hand it to whites. In Ward 14, Lobengula, Zanu PF officials held a meeting on 5 May at the residence of Henriette Dube the chairperson where they distributed 2 cups of rice to each of the non-members urging them to join Zanu PF. This caused disgruntlement among their own members who complained that their party was now feeding MDC-T members and leaving them out. In ward 15 of Luveve war veteranss met on 19 May and denounced Minister Sandi Moyo accusing her of being the manager of Mujuru’s campaigns. They accused her of receiving money and cars from Mujuru. In ward three, Bulawayo East on May 5 scores of vendors who had been evicted from their bays on the premise that the bays would be renovated and re-allocated complained that council was now discriminating against them. One of the vendors (name supplied), confronted Mayor Martin Moyo’s representatives saying new faces were allocated bays ahead of them. They alleged corruption and bribery was used. The Mayor himself could not meet the vendors in person and they complained of being snubbed. 12

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