Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood Property Rights 56 10 7 1 74 Harassment/intimidation Discrimination Displacement Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, education Property rights 12 2 1 16 Harassment/intimidation Assault Discrimination Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to liberty and security of person Right to food, aid and livelihood 24 1 2 Mahs West Mash Central Midlands Harassment/intimidation Assault Discrimination Displacement Total 6 The prevalence of politically motivated violence is relatively low in the Midlands Province. There only a few pockets of areas where incidents of harassment, intimidation and discrimination based on one’s political intimidations are reported and these include some portions of Gokwe, Mberengwa, Chirumanzu and Sebagwe.  ZANU PF members led by Cainos Mpala ordered a man who runs a grinding mill at Wind Mill Centre in Silobela Ward 24, Village 4 to remove his grinding mill because he was not known in the area and that he had no right to make money in the ZANU PF territory. The victim is suspected to belong to an opposition party. The incident took place on 3 May 2014.  An MDCT councillor in Red Cliff, Kwekwe, of Rutendo Ward 5 was on May 31, 2014, expelled from the party for allegedly voting for ZANU PF councillors at an elective council meeting. Evictions and displacements continue to take place in the province targeting former farm workers. Incidents of harassment, intimidation and discrimination are reported from various parts of the province.  17 May 2014- At Protea farm Glendale Mazowe South; ten families were served with eviction notices by the new farm owner Flavien Zinyemba. This adds to twenty one people under eviction at the same farm. The first eleven families were served with eviction order notices in early May. Zinyemba sought an eviction order after the farm workers refused to work for him and had cleared tracks of land for farming as means for livelihoods. The victims claimed that they had worked for the farm owner without payment for their labour for a long time.  2 May 2014- MDC-T supporter of St Albert’s Growth point in Muzarabani South, was denied access to GMB maize loan by ZANU PF Councillor Ashton Chiweshe and Sam Gonanguruve because of his political affiliation. The area did not receive enough rainfall thus food aid is a necessity to supplement their meagre harvests.  11 May 2014- At Muonwe Business Centre Bindura South, Abraham Mhembere of Chitunhu village denied some members of the community access to farm inputs and food aid for failing to attend the Independence Celebrations. The victims were denied a bucket of fertilizer each donated by the constituency MP-Remigio Matangira. Generally incidents of political violence have drastically gone done in Mashonaland West however cases of harassment and intimidation are taking place almost on a daily basis. The prevalence of incidents harassment and intimidation could be

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