from different households. The dispute was settled by the councillor who ensured Mazuvarodoka and others benefitted.  On 14 March 2016, villagers in Ward 6, Chikambi Village in Zvimba South were informed that there was going to be maize distribution but the distribution never took place. They waited the whole day but nothing materialized. No explanation was given to them.  On 23 March 2016, there was maize distribution from Social Welfare Department meant for disabled and vulnerable groups. Village head Seremwe of Seremwe village in Magunje removed Sekai Dawanyi (not real name) from the list because her son who stays in Chinhoyi is a political activist and is a member of the National Constitutional Assembly. She was replaced by a Zanu-PF youth. Masvingo  On 22 March 2016, an NGO availed food assistance in the form of a 50kg bag of maize and US$6-00 per family member. Councillor Munashe Pwanyai of Ward 16, Chivi Central was tasked to identify beneficiaries. The actor refused to give the food aid to at least two people from Gwenyaya village claiming that they are MDC-T members. Matabeleland North  On 24 March 2016, Clement Mkandla a Zanu-PF activist barred Sipho Ngwenya (not real name), aged 69, from registering for Social Welfare food relief at Sipepa Rest Camp saying he is not a member of Zanu-PF as he was not in their books.  Sithole (not real name), of Numbamayi line, Sihlangene Village near Sipepa Primary School was denied right to food.  Maize meal in the area is being sold at US$15 per 50 kg bag. Many villagers cannot afford this. About 300 households who had been depending on food handouts are being affected by hunger. Matabeleland South  On 11 March 2016, in Umzingwane, Zanu-PF ward committee member, Benjamin Singwazi Ndlovu, from Mabutweni Village in Ward 5 held a village meeting where he ordered all people to form village committees under Zanu-PF if they were to be registered for the Social Welfare food relief. Those not willing would not be registered and excluded from all development projects. A woman, Netty Zinga (not real name) from Terelyn Village refused to heed the directive and reported the matter to the councillor but no remedial action was taken as all leadership had been intimidated by the Zanu-PF party activists.  On 7 March 2016, Gilbert Ndlovu a member of MDC led by Welshman Ncube and several others were denied right to register for welfare relief food by Zanu-PF 28

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